January adventure.


There are more churches in the City of London than the Vatican.

I sit in a cold church shivering and wondering the meaning of my life.

This is OK because it is even colder outside. Light powdery snow falls but does not settle and I have time to kill. The smell of incense has a strangely narcotic effect and I enter into a reverie and for a moment I feel between worlds. A limbo of infinite possible worlds.. as if I could select a world of my choosing simply by stepping into it.

St Boltophs has a history of such fancy. They once allowed the City to place a brightly colored doorway in a square of grass. The idea being that one could step from one world to the next simply by stepping through. I did not do so then. Maybe a cold January morning in the time of Covid would be good?

I am poor and I am getting old. The sense of life's possibilities is slipping from me.. yet places such as this whisper in my ear of a more magical age.

I remembered a YouTube video on reality transurfing and visualized what they call a 'plat' beginning at the base of my skull and ending in the small of my back. At the end of this 'plat' was a gently glowing ball that would somehow bend reality.

Absolute nonsense of course- but I tried it anyway.

Nothing supernatural happened- yet as I left the church I had an idea that grew into something I will share here.

No. Actually, I will do better than that. I will share the unfolding 'forever plan' as it happens because only then will you understand it fully. I do not understand it fully myself but feel it will be revealed to me. We shall see.

For the more practical side of this adventure go to the January 2021 tab.
