Project Bluebird (£100 a year).

Socialist Realism on the South Bank.

  •  Project Bluebird is all about viewing art while also losing weight.
  •  There is more free art in London than probably any other city.
  •  It is possible to receive free loyalty points while viewing free art. Download the GoWithYamo app.
  •  Most indoor galleries are closed at present but there is street art galore that will provide material for my Instagram account.
  •  Income will come from GoWithYamo in the form of art that I would not normally buy which makes the money aspect rather suspect. The main benefits will be health and the enjoyment of the art.
  • The photograph is of a rather weird socialist realist mural on the South Bank.

I started this project with a walk along the South Bank. This is alleged to be the worlds largest arts complex under a single management but it was unfortunately closed. I was amused by the socialist realist homage to essential workers. Generally the South Bank treats the working class with disdain or fear (believing us to be Brexit loving racists) but they are prepared to give a little respect to those who risk their lives to keep things on track while the middle classes go on furlong.

A surprising number of people were simply milling around, enjoying the sunshine and eating at the food stalls. Only the private sector was showing life but the people showed their willingness to come out of hiding by being there.
