- Jordan Peterson made the Carnivore diet fashionable but not for logical reasons. He and his daughter suffered from some immunological disorder that is so rare that it does not have a name. This is not a reason for people who do not suffer from the disorder to do the same.
- Nevertheless I tried it once and felt GREAT and have heard other people say the same.
- Going Carnivore fits well with last weeks campaign- switching to Morrisons as this is a strength of the supermarket.
- Unfortunately I am not so rich that I can throw good food away. I have a quantity of rice and beans that was bought as a prepping recourse. If I mix rice and beans together then I can obtain a balanced protean but with few vitamins and too many carbs. I am therefore slowly reducing my stock as a prelude to going fully carnivore.
- The picture is not meat related but is of a walk I did recently in London. Walking and meat eating go well together as hunters are always on the move.
The meat I am eating is mainly processed (chorizo sausage and corned beef) as this convenient for a single man. In addition to running down the carbs I am also reducing the processed meat which is bad for me and offers inferior food value to a complete chicken for example.
All in all I am eating no better than I did a week ago.. but things will change once I ue up my old stock.
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