- This project will cost 20 hours. I cannot do more this late in the month.
- I hope to promote free speech.
- Hopefully I can do something meaningful each Friday and reward myself with some junk food.
There is a purge going on in Facebook land and I may not be long for that world. I am pretty sure my recent problems are related to the US election and have nothing to do with me. The same thing happened in 2016 when it looked for the first time that Trump could win.
One peculiar aspect is that Facebook have decided this blog is 'hateful' in some undefined way and that I cannot link from there to here!
My answer is to move all my interesting content to the IDW community which is a social network for meaningful discussion. It is respectful and thoughtful and it values freedom of expression above political correctness. I am known as richardwrites there.
Financially I gain.. nothing. I will support free speech and make my Facebook account even more bland than it is already in the hope I escape the purge.
BTW the statue above is of the Swedish aristocrat, Wallenberg who was in the habit of turning up at SS death camp selection centres and taking the Jews away with him on the false grounds the where Swedish. This is what an aristocratic bearing can do for you.
Wallenberg was in Hungary when the Russians appeared and was disappeared by them probably as a class enemy. The lesson I take is authoritarians of left and right are equally bad. This is also the message of the Intellectual Dark Web.
I want to complete one project a week but have left it a little late for October. Nevertheless I have..
UPLOADED 300 PHOTOGRAPHS to my profile. One cool side benefit is that I can switch my profile about very easily.
JOINED FAN GROUPS FOR AMAZING POLLY AND ALEX JONES. These people have been banned from other social networks and this is the only way I can follow them.
CONTRIBUTE meaningfully to the discussions. IDW is a place for thoughtful comments rather than smartass point scoring. A rare thing!
I put a link leading here too.
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