I visited a church (St Mary Aldermary in the City of London) to ask myself a question and to drink some of their coffee. What is the best use of what remains of my life?
The conclusion I came to was that I should make some money and tell others how to do it. So many good and honest people live in quiet desperation all their lives. If I, a part time security guard can save some money then others can too. Simply knowing this brings hope.
I will have two kinds of posts. One (like this) will be a sort of diary explaining my adventures in real time. The other will be to mark milestones (£10,000 £20,000 and so on). These will cover much the same ground but will be backward looking and so will have a perspective that the diary entries do not. Reading the two together should make you rich.
At the time of writing I have almost nothing and I hope that my posts will focus my mind on the tasks ahead. In fact this seems to be happening already as I have just set up a standing order to pay money into my deposit account (at an almost meaningless rate of interest) so that it does not become visible to me in my current account. This makes saving automatic and the default option.
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